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Didn't buy any acronym rocket ships? FML. Bought the only WGMI that went nowhere? FML. Sold GN after a 3x? FML. Bought the top of FREN after 62,000%? FML
Now is you chance to do it right. Finally, you can FML with euphoria
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1 Trillion Supply
5% Marketing
5% Development
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DISCLAIMER: None of the information on this website is intended to be taken as legal or financial advice. Please keep in mind that smart contracts are never without risk. Utilize this information at your own risk. FML is not a licenced broker, investment advisor, or analyst. If you are willing to buy FML or have already any FML, you acknowledge that you are not buying a security or an investment. Any damages or taxes you may incur are not the responsibility of the FML team. You also accept that the team is providing the token exactly as it was launched, as it cannot be modified because it has been renounced. Before making any investment decision, do your own due investigation and talk with your financial advisor.
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